Repealing Net Energy Billing (Solar Tax)
This bill repeals the laws that authorize the Public Utilities Commission to adopt rules governing net energy billing and that direct the commission to establish a net energy billing program for commercial and institutional customers of investor-owned transmission and distribution utilities. It prohibits the commission from adopting rules that require a transmission and distribution utility to allow a customer to participate in net energy billing. The bill also amends the laws that reference the net energy billing programs repealed by this bill, including repealing the provisions of law that provide for real estate and personal property tax exemptions for solar energy equipment used in connection with net energy billing customers.
MPI Supports this Bill
- Stacey Guerin (R)*
- Steven Foster (R)
- Mathew McIntyre (R)
- Katrina Smith (R)
- Nathan Wadsworth (R)
- Jim White (R)
Last Action
- Hearing (13:00:00 2/6/2025 Cross Building, Room 211) (February 6, 2025)