Seacoast Online
By Jeffrey W. Pelletier
July 29, 2007 12:59 PM
Editor’s note: The writer is chairman of the Kittery School Committee.
The state of Maine has given school districts until the end of August to inform them whom they intend to enter into negotiations with, not with whom they intend to merge. There’s more than semantics in that statement, but what’s important is this: Kittery is meeting with her neighbors and intends to file the pertinent information with the state by the deadline. While I can understand that some could imply that not enough is being done, the schedule set by the Legislature is an aggressive one, and school committees are doing their best during these summer months to get the work done.
I will only speak for myself and not for the committee. While I am a strong proponent of efficiency and of small government, I don’t like this consolidation. There, I said it. This law is poor legislation crafted by a state government that can’t control its own spending, let alone Kittery’s.
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