Maine Policy is sitting down for a detailed policy discussion with the men and women who are seeking to become the next governor of Maine.  We have invited every candidate to our office to speak with Matthew Gagnon, CEO, on the issues.

Our goal is simple: to provide the people of Maine with an opportunity to hear from the candidates in their own words, talking about the policy issues that they will have to confront if they become the next governor.  We are not asking about the horse race, or personality conflicts with other candidates, who is more electable, or any of the typically political questions that dominate election season.

Maine Policy is focusing entirely on policy, and rather than be constrained by two minute answers in a debate setting, we believe that a long, open conversation about the issues might illuminate these candidates’ unvarnished opinions about the major issues of the day.  Please find each interview below, with the most recently released at top.

Ken Fredette, House Republican Leader

Shawn Moody, Businessman

Garrett Mason, Senate Majority Leader

Donna Dion, Former Mayor of Biddeford

Mary Mayhew, Former Commissioner of the Department of Health and Human Services