The Internet in Maine is getting faster and easier to use than ever before.

Companies are investing in Maine to expand high-speed internet to 650,000 homes and businesses across the state. This Internet expansion will boost the economy of Maine for years to come.

Expanded broadband access in Maine is opening up new opportunities from distance learning to telehealth. Mainers understand the value that broadband access can bring to their lives.


Despite much progress, more work has to be done to secure a bright economic future for Mainers.

Did you know?

  • 10 percent of Mainers are underserved with access to fewer than two wireless providers. (Broadband Now)
  • Maine ranks fifth in the nation for lowest average Internet speeds. (, 7/17/19)
  • Rural Mainers’ broadband access is well below minimum access speed recommended by FCC. (Mainebiz, 2/19/18)
  • Average download speed in rural Maine remains 62 percent slower than the national average. (The Ellsworth American, 11/29/18)
  • Low-income Mainers are hurt by the digital divide, “low-income households with children are four times more likely to lack a high-speed Internet connection.” (Press Herald, 3/17/16)

OVEREGULATION COULD STOP PROGRESS                            

Unfortunately, liberals in Congress want to overregulate our Internet – redefining “net neutrality” as a massive government takeover that threatens progress in Maine.

Their efforts will reduce the ease with which we access the Internet while simultaneously slowing up technological improvements. This will have dire consequences to both Maine’s economy and Mainers. (The Times Record, 7/3/19)

“Under Title II, broadband network investment dropped more than 5.6% — the first time a decline has happened outside of a recession.” (Americans for Prosperity, 2/1/19)

Overregulation of the Internet will leave Maine behind in the nationwide race for high-speed Internet coverage. The livelihood of rural Mainers depends on this increased Internet access, so don’t stifle their growth. (Mainebiz, 2/19/18)

Maine’s representatives in Congress need to take a stand and say no to a government Internet takeover. We can’t afford for Congress to screw up the Internet and stop progress in Maine.