Debate on charter schools continuing…

Rep. Casavant in favor – what do we have to fear from more school options…

Rep. Nelson in favor – we need to focus on kids – make all kinds of tools available

Rep. Sutherland against – not enough money to do this  (we’re already spending more than most states, I would say in response, we’re just not spending it in the right way.)

Sen. Schneider against – charter schools “duplicate” staff, infrastructure, use resources we have in the school we have exclusively. What is her response to the many, many families in her districts (those who have school choice) who CHOOSE to send their children to John Bapst or some other school because that is the best educational choice for their children?

Rep. Johnson in favor – the bureaucracy is hurting our public schools – we need the innovation that charter schools would bring…

Rep. Johnson has brought with him a great guest, Heather Perry, the superintendent from Greenville, who is up there right now making a great case for charter schools and how they would transform the Greenville schools…they represent, she says, “the best about our traditions.”