Two bills sponsored by lawmakers on both sides of the aisle aim to address the small wave of municipalities opting to ban the sale of flavored tobacco within city limits.
LD 620, “An Act to Promote Free Trade by Preventing Municipalities from Prohibiting the Sale of Legal Goods” sponsored by Rep. Chad Perkins (R-Dover-Foxcroft), is more encompassing than flavored tobacco alone but was likely submitted in response to the prohibitions popping up across the state.
The measure would prohibit municipalities from banning the sale of any good or service that is legal at the state level. The full text of the measure can be read below.

LD 662, “An Act to Prohibit Municipal Flavored Tobacco Product Bans on State-licensed Tobacco Retailers,” sponsored by Rep. Joe Perry (D-Bangor), more directly responds to the flavored tobacco bans. Rep. Perry’s bill would make clear that municipalities may not adopt ordinances that prevent a licensed tobacco retailer from selling flavored tobacco products within city limits.
The full text of LD 662 can be read below:

Both measures would support the ideas of free enterprise and consumer choice if adopted by lawmakers this session. Neither measure has been scheduled for a public hearing.