July 22, 2014
Joel Allumbaugh, Director of MHPC’s Center for Health Reform Inititiaves released the following statement on Tuesday in regard to the latest ACA federal court rulings:
“Today’s rulings highlight the many systemic problems with the chaotic train wreck that is the Affordable Care Act,” said Joel Allumbaugh, Director of the Center for Health Reform Initiatives, The Maine Heritage Policy Center.
“Problems like these are bound to arise when irresponsible politicians ram massive, complex legislation through the process without properly vetting it – without even reading it,” said Allumbaugh.
“More than four years later, the American people are still trying to make sense of this bureaucratic nightmare,” said Allumbaugh. “I cannot think of any other law currently on the books that brings greater uncertainty and instability to the U.S. economy than President Obama’s signature health care law. Rather than unilaterally subvert our duly elected representatives, as he has done time and time again, the president should work with Congress to fix this broken law.”
Joel Allumbaugh
Director, Center for Health Reform Initiatives
The Maine Heritage Policy Center
207.321.2550 | jallumbaugh@mainepolicy.org