March 29, 2023
Contact: Jacob Posik
Director of Communications
Office: 207.321.2550
Maine Policy’s Statement on $9.8 Billion Partisan Budget
Gov. Mills and Democrats’ partisan budget with no tax relief a major blow to Mainers
amid persistent inflation and economic uncertainty
PORTLAND, Maine – Maine Policy Institute CEO Matthew Gagnon and director of policy Nick Murray issued the following statements today in response to the passage of the biennial budget:
“Maine’s next budget should not be a partisan exercise,” Gagnon said. “Amid persistent inflation, rising prices, and economic uncertainty, piling on hundreds of millions in additional spending without providing any permanent, structural tax relief to low and middle-income Mainers is incomprehensible.
“Choosing to ignore Republicans and pursue a partisan budget is a direct violation of what Gov. Mills claimed she would do in her last campaign. She told Maine people she would work across the aisle and wouldn’t be divisive like her predecessor, yet is now doing the opposite. There is plenty of time to go back to the drawing board and achieve a consensus that provides real tax relief. Mainers deserve better than this.”
“Spending is out of control in Augusta,” said Murray. “Maine now spends nearly $1.5 billion more per year than when Gov. Mills first took office. The governor and Legislature have shown no fiscal restraint and no respect for the economic hardships Mainers are experiencing.
“What exactly has the average Mainer received from all this spending? Are the roads better? Do the schools produce more graduates with skills commensurate to their grade level? Is the cost of doing business lower? Are state offices more responsive to citizens’ needs? No. In most every respect, things are as bad or worse than they were when this avalanche of spending began in the 129th Legislature. Spending money doesn’t equate to tangible results.”
Maine Policy Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to expand individual liberty and economic freedom in Maine. Learn more about our work at www.mainepolicy.org.