March 19, 2024
Contact: Jacob Posik
Director of Legislative Affairs
Office: 207.321.2550

Maine Policy Statement on EV Mandates
Adoption of the rules would have no quantifiable impact on the climate, but would impoverish and cause undue hardship on the average Maine family.

PORTLAND, Maine – Maine Policy Institute CEO Matthew Gagnon issued the following statement today ahead of the Maine Bureau of Environmental Protection’s (BEP) scheduled vote tomorrow on Chapter 127-A: Advanced Clean Cars II Program rules, as well as the Environment and Natural Resources Committee’s public hearing on LD 2261, An Act Designating New Motor Vehicle Emissions Rules as Major Substantive Rules:

“Mainers have made clear that they strongly oppose the adoption of EV mandates. Roughly 80 percent of all public comments submitted to the BEP were made in opposition to the rules. More Mainers took time out of their daily lives to tell the BEP that they oppose these mandates than those who signed the original petition to force their consideration and those who submitted supporting comments combined.

“Adopting EV mandates in the face of such widespread opposition would be the definition of the administrative state run amok. Maine people deserve a voice in this process through their elected officials. Decisions like this should not be left to unelected, unaccountable Augusta bureaucrats.”

LD 2261 would change the standard for regulations related to the establishment of zero-emission requirements from routine technical to major substantive, meaning the Legislature would need to consent to the adoption of regulations like those outlined in Chapter 127-A.

“LD 2261 is a commonsense bill that should already be law in Maine. Mainers should not have their freedom to choose what type of cars they want to drive stripped from them by unelected bureaucrats. Mainers deserve representation in this matter, and any future matter, from their elected officials. The Mills administration and legislative majority will regret if they do not take immediate action to protect Maine consumers via LD 2261.”

Maine Policy Institute’s public comment in opposition to Chapter 127-A rules can be read here. Maine Policy’s testimony in support of LD 2261 can be read here.


Maine Policy Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works to expand individual liberty and economic freedom in Maine. Learn more about our work at