The 2009 Maine Piglet Book hit with a bang last Thursday. The Bangor Daily News story ran above the fold and the KJ and Portland Press Herald stories were featured along with the Morning Sentinal piece, while the books release was also featured on several local TV news broadcasts, including My Fox Maine and WGME-Portland (below) and WABI-Bangor (CBS).

Opponents of the Yes on 4 (TABOR) campaign have tried to discredit the book, and defend government spending. They say the $102,000 for 3 dog paintings in a Kennebunk rest stop are “privately funded” – but what they are not saying is that “privately funded” to them means toll money gathered from commuters.

The spokesperson for the opponents of the piglet book is Crystal Canney, who is also the communications director for the anti-TABOR group “Citizens for Maine’s Future”, who do not want government spending limited. Interestingly enough, it’s easy to see why Canney is so opposed to controlling government spending. Canney has been paid, and paid well, by tax dollars in the past few years while working for the Baldacci administration, as you can see from this data found on

Crystal Canney.JPG
Yes on 4 (TABOR) supporters point to the Piglet Book as a great example of why TABOR is needed in Maine more than ever – to reign in wasteful government spending.