On Monday, February 6, 2023 at 10:00 a.m., lawmakers on Maine’s Veterans and Legal Affairs (VLA) Committee will hold a public hearing on LD 34, a bill sponsored by Sen. Matt Pouliot that would implement voter ID requirements in Maine.
Maine is among just 15 states that do not require voters to provide identification at the polls in order to vote on Election Day. LD 34 would change that by creating a new voter ID requirement, protecting against potential fraud and restoring faith in our elections.
Click here to take action on LD 34. Tell lawmakers that you support voter ID and want the legislature to pass LD 34 this session.
If you would like to submit formal testimony, visit this link and follow these steps:
- click “Public Hearing”
- select “Veterans and Legal Affairs” in the committee dropdown
- choose “Feb 6 2023”
- click “LD 34 – An Act to Require a Person to Show Photographic Identification for the Purpose of Voting”
- choose whether you would like to testify over Zoom
- type your testimony in the box below, or upload a file
- complete the form with your name, town, and email address
You do not need to submit the form if you plan on testifying in person in Augusta–just remember to bring 20 copies of your testimony to the hearing for VLA Committee members and staff.