Critical Social Justice in Maine K-12 Education
What kind of education are students receiving today when they attend a public K-12 school in Maine? Are they still being taught the “three Rs” – reading, writing, and arithmetic – or are they being exposed to age inappropriate material and being trained to dismantle so-called systems of oppression through the lens of critical social justice ideology?
Critical Social Justice in Maine K-12 Education, written by Anna K. Miller and Dr. Scott Yenor, poses the following question: How far has the critical social justice agenda advanced across Maine’s public education system?
The analysis delves deep into the Maine Department of Education, the Governor’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office, the Legislature, the state and federal governments, and nonprofit groups to see how these entities have promoted or enabled the permeation of critical social justice ideology within Maine’s K-12 public school system. It also documents examples of critical social justice in public schools throughout the state and provides a roadmap for eliminating its influence on the system, including the adoption of school choice and curriculum transparency legislation. Fortunately, there’s still time to return Maine public schools to their core educational mission. Click below to learn more.