
School boards in Maine have a great deal of control over the education students in their district receive. Most decisions affecting students’ education, such as the curriculum they will be taught, the textbooks they will use, and the professional development their teachers receive, are made by the board. Additionally, they write the district’s budget, hire and direct the superintendent, and address local concerns related to school safety, academic performance, and student well-being. 

Today, Maine schools confront new challenges, such as teacher shortages, declining standardized test scores, and rising student mental health and behavioral issues. At the same time, politically charged culture war issues garner significant media attention and inspire activism on both the left and right. How school boards navigate these issues, and which issues they prioritize, will shape the future of education in the state.

To better understand how Maine’s school board members perceive their boards’ operations and which education issues concern them most, Maine Policy Institute conducted this survey. The results reflect the perspectives of those directly responsible for shaping local education policy, highlighting the strengths of local boards and the significant challenges districts face today.

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