In case you missed it, former Virginia Governor and current Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Kaine keynoted the Maine Democratic Party’s convention this past weekend.  According to a Kennebec Journal story, Kaine “praised Maine’s health care plan, Dirigo Health, as an inspiration for federal reform.”

Interestingly, just two days before, the Dirigo Health Agency revealed their latest spending and enrollment numbers.  As of April 2010, just 7,584 were enrolled in DirigoChoice.  Only 36% on DirigoChoice are actually previously uninsured, according to the State’s own estimates.  That means that as of April 2010, Dirigo covers just 2,730 uninsured in Maine.

How much did it cost taxpayers to cover 2,730 uninsured?

Again, Dirigo Health Agency’s own report gives us the answer.  Dirigo is costing Maine taxpayers an estimated  $10,408 per uninsured Mainer actually covered per year (($312.23 per member per month average subsidy /36% actually uninsured) x 12 months).  In total, Dirigo has cost Maine taxpayers $26.3 million for the first ten months of FY2010 alone.

Oh, and it is $1 million over budget so far this year, despite declining enrollment.

I have to agree with the Democrats.  It does seem like Dirigo was the inspiration for ObamaCare.