Blue Cross and Blue Shield just released a study on HSA plan participants compared to traditional plan participants.
The BCBSA 2007 CDHP Member Experience Survey showed that HSA plan members were:
• twice as likely to participate in an exercise program than those enrolled in non-CDHP products (12 percent vs. 29 percent)
• 3 times more likely to use smoking cessation (20 percent vs. 6 percent)
• 3 times more likely to seek assistance for stress management (22 percent vs. 8 percent)
• twice as likely to access nutrition and diet programs (27 percent vs. 12 percent)
• better at achieving improved outcomes as a result of participating in wellness and prevention programs – improved overall health (37 percent vs. 25 percent), quit smoking (14 percent vs. 1 percent) and improved fitness (49 percent vs. 33 percent)
• more likely to track health expenses (63 percent vs. 43 percent)
• saving for future health expenses (47 percent vs. 18 percent)
• did not forgo medical care at rates different than non-CDHP subscribers
• equally likely to renew their health plan next year
In total, Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies have at least 3.1 million CDHP enrollees and at least 1.7 million members with HSA eligible products. In addition, it was reported that:
• 45 percent of employers with an HSA plan now contribute to the employees’ account (up from 37 percent in 2005)
• HSA members have a similar age distribution except for 18-24 age cohort (11 percent vs. 6 percent) and 55-64 (10 percent vs. 19 percent)
• Have similar distribution by self-reported health status
• Had a 32 percent reduction in ER usage
Clearly, consumer directed health plans are having an impact on the members’ health and their (and their employers’) bottom line.