Hot off the press from the U.S. Census Bureau is new data showing county components of change. In a previous blog, I showed the overall domestic migration by state showing that Maine lost 717 people to the other 49 states. However, looking at the results by county show some serious problems:
1) Seven counties showed an absolute decline in total population: Androscoggin (-216), Aroostook (-75), Knox (-81), Lincoln (-6), Piscataquis (-32), Sagadahoc (-70) and Washington (-27).
2) Six counties showed a decline in natural changes, meaning deaths were greater than births: Aroostook (-95), Knox (-10), Lincoln (-34), Oxford (-5), Piscataquis (-61) and Washington (-44).
3) Eight counties showed a decline in net internal migration, ie, with the other 49 states: Androscoggin (-673), Aroostook (-40), Cumberland (-221), Knox (-96), Sagadahoc (-179), Waldo (-37), Washington (-4) and York (-143).
Keep in mind that this is for the time-period July 1, 2006 to July 1, 2007 when the economy was still doing reasonably well. What will next years data show? The probability that Maine’s overall population might shrink has clearly gone up with this new data. Click “continue reading” to see full table.
