As if any further evidence was necessary to demonstrate how far behind the other states Maine has fallen in terms of education reform, 40 states have submitted Race to the Top grant applications, Maine is not among them.
According to Education Week, Maine joined Alaska, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Texas, Vermont, and Washington, in sitting out the first round. Not exactly a murderer’s row of education reform powerhouses in that list.
Maine doubtless sat out this round because it failed to do what so many other states have done, which is to adopt meaningful education reforms that would make it more competitive for the Race to the Top grants. As I reported in a new research paper, Maine would have to embrace a vast array of reforms in order to compete for the grants, something there seems to be little inclination to do in Augusta.
Legislation to improve Maine’s competitive standing is evidently on the way from Commissioner Gendron, but has yet to be seen.