Critical Insights of Portland recently released their Spring Tracking Poll highlighting Mainers’ opinions on some top issues. Some of the many interesting findings:
- 47% of Mainers oppose ObamaCare (compared to just 38% supporting it) – Slide 34
- 85% of Mainers believe ObamaCare will increase their health care costs (53%) or keep them about the same (32%), compared to just 6% believing the President will “bend the cost curve” down – Slide 35
Clearly, Maine people remember the grandiose health care promises of Dirigo Health (cover all the uninsured by 2009, not raise taxes, reduce health care and health insurance costs) compared to the costly failure that it actually is (more uninsured than before Dirigo, new taxes on health insurance, bigger increases in health insurance rates compared to the national average, $157+ million of tax dollars spent to date).
Fear not skeptical Mainers. The same person who thought up and implemented Dirigo Health – Trish Riley, director of the Governor’s Office of Health Policy and Finance – has just been selected by Governor Baldacci to lead the effort to implement ObamaCare within Maine.
When it comes to big government health care in Maine, if first you don’t succeed… don’t worry – you will be given a bigger checkbook and more authority.