The school choice community suffered a blow today with the passing of Rose D. Friedman, wife of the late Professor Milton Friedman and co-author with him of the 1962 book “Capitalism and Freedom,” and the groundbreaking “Free to Choose” book and television series of the late 1970’s.

After distinguished careers notable for their important contributions in the filed of economics, the Friedmans dedicated their later life to the advancement of school choice through the establishment of the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice. That institution now supports school choice efforts across the nation, consistent with the vision outlined by Milton Friedman in a 1955 essay titled The Role of Government in Education.

Their work has resulted in expanded educational options being made available to thousands of children nationwide, and has inspired a generation of school choice supporters, myself included.

Though records of her birth in a small Russian village have been lost, Rose Friedman was believed to be 98.
