Unfortunately, the cities in question are in New Hampshire.  According to a story in the Union Leader, “The first of what is expected to be a statewide flurry of tax cap
charter amendment petitions was turned into city hall yesterday morning. The
petition, organized by the anti-tax group New Hampshire Advantage
Coalition, seeks to amend the city charter to tie the growth of the
city’s tax rate to the rate of inflation . . . The New Hampshire Advantage Coalition is also working to support
citizen-led tax cap charter amendments in Concord, Merrimack,
Somersworth, Londonderry, Portsmouth and Bedford, as well as Rochester
and Manchester.”

However, Mainers may soon get their chance to correct their own run-away spending based on MHPC’s model Taxpayer Bill of Rights.  Based on my cross-border shopping research with, Mainers fully understand “New Hampshire’s Advantage.”  Maine cannot afford to let New Hampshire win the tax/spend cap race.